International Investment Arbitration
- ICSID Arbitration Case Nº.07/6 Tza Yap Shum vs. Republic of Peru
Claim filed by a Chinese national investor who has obtained an ICSID Arbitration Award sanctioning SUNAT acts that expropriated the investor’s fishing business in Peru, holding the State responsible for the payment of compensation. - “>Representatives before the Annulment Committee in the ICSID Arbitration Case Nº.07/6 Tza Yap Shum v. Republic of Peru
Application for Annulment filed by the Republic of Peru before ICSID against the Award in favor of the Chinese investor who sanctions as expropriation a series of acts by SUNAT. - ICSID Arbitration Case N°.10/17 Renee Levy vs. Republic of Peru
Claim filed by an investor of French nationality for the violative and discriminatory acts in the intervention and liquidation of the Banco Nuevo Mundo by the Superintendency of Banking and Insurance -SBS- and other entities of the Peruvian State - ICSID Arbitration Case N°.11/17 Renee Levy, Gremcitel vs. Republic of Peru
Second claim filed by a French nationality investor for the frustration of a real estate project on land in the Chorrillos district when it was declared intangible by the National Institute of Culture -INC-. - Local counsel en el Caso UNCITRAL –Londres, contra la República del Perú
Claim filed by an investor of American nationality for the discriminatory cessation of its industrial activities in the mining sector, based on the Investment Chapter of the Free Trade Agreement with the United States of America. - Claims by a Peruvian investor against Venezuela before the ICSID Complementary Mechanism in the telecommunications sector (in the negotiation stage before the Office of the Attorney General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela).
- Claims of an American investor against Peru to be raised as an ICSID arbitration under the Peru-USA FTA on mining issues (participation in the direct negotiation stage).
- Claims of an Italian investor against the Republic of Ecuador to be raised in an investment arbitration under UNCITRAL rules (Stockholm Chamber of Commerce) in matters of casinos and slot machines. (in the direct negotiation stage).
- Claims of an American investor against Peru in an ICSID arbitration under the Peru-USA FTA referring to a Concession Contract in the electricity sector (we participated in the direct negotiation stage).
- Partner Carlos Paitan Contreras has been appointed as arbitrator by the Republic of Panama in an ICSID arbitration initiated by an American investor (Samson Wu vs Republic of Panama ARB N.22/05).
Likewise, we have provided highly specialized information for preventive defense mechanisms to private and public entities related to issues of investment protection and ICSID arbitration, among which we can mention:
- French capital fishing company to benefit from the Investment Protection Treaty with the Republic of France for the acts of expropriation of a Ministry before the withdrawal of the fishing license.
- Food ticket company of French and Argentine capitals availing itself of the Investment Protection Treaty with the Republic of France and the Argentine Republic before the intention of the Congress of the Republic of Peru to repeal the food benefits law.
- Colombian telecommunications company availing itself of the Investment Protection Treaty with the Republic of Colombia before the State’s intention to require financial compensation for the acts of corruption of the administration prior to the entry of the foreign operator into an open-signal television channel.
- Spanish company in charge of technical reviews to benefit from the Investment Protection Treaty with the Kingdom of Spain before the expiration of the concession contract concluded with the Provincial Municipality of Lima.
- Legal report to a Ministry on strategy and planning in the treatment of legal contingencies presented by the Concessionaire of a mass transportation railway infrastructure, in light of a claim about contractual impact and compensation payments that resulted in an arbitration before ICSID.
- Legal report to a Ministry on structuring strategy and legal planning in the treatment of legal contingencies presented by the Concessionaire of an airport infrastructure before a claim for cancellation of the contract and payment of compensation that resulted in an arbitration before ICSID.